Blog sans reader

Hello and welcome to Ernst U. Boarking's blog about stuff & stuff-all.
Warning: Some material in the blog may not be suitable.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Boarkingmass

If God is Santa for grown-ups, then who will be Santa for God? Boarking is happy to play God's Santa. God didn't get any presents the last couple of years because he was a very naughty god, what with the tsunami (on Boxing Day no less) then that earthquake in Pakistan. But this year he's been fairly good, delivering Australia from political evil, and making it rain a bit, so we'll be readying ourselves at Boarking Mansions for the sleigh ride to heaven... it's back on!

Charlie MacMackie has got him a rather fetching tie from David Jones, and I'm thing a nice single malt might not go amiss.

In the meatime, here's a couple of cut out and keep cards for the rest of you.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ernst U. Boarking Appreciation Society

I have to admit, I'm very flattered that some top bloke has started an "Ernst U. Boarking Appreciation Society" on facebook. Perhaps you should join, if you are into that sort of thing.

It's better that than listening to Ep.3 of the unpopular Classic Joke Archive, which is now available.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Classic Joke Archive, ep. 2: Railway Station

Ernst & Charles tackle the old "How far is it to the railway station?" classic.

Technical note: This joke requires Charlie to say the word "one" roughly. It was difficult for an untrained actor to vary the voice though, and Audacity didn't seem to offer a distortion effect. So, when you hear "one" hear it spoken roughly.

This may cause you to think that Charles is a figment of Ernst's imagination. I cannot comment.