Blog sans reader

Hello and welcome to Ernst U. Boarking's blog about stuff & stuff-all.
Warning: Some material in the blog may not be suitable.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Boarking's Theory of Bass Players Looking a Bit of a Knob at Times

Probably be fairer to call it a hypothesis, which I developed whilst watching a unnamed band last weekend.

It goes like this:

Finger picking bass players, might be more talented than their plectrum wielding brethren, however they look a bit silly. Most upsetting is the tendency to nod their heads, chin to the fore like strutting chooks. Obviously having the guitar up over the chest is never going to help matters.

On the other hand, the player using a pick, her axe slung low, head down, hair over eyes, looks like rock'n'roll.

This hypothesis has nothing to do with the fact that I might in the past have played bass, but never was able to master the finger picking art. Honest...

[portrait of the blogger as a young
man playing bass (with a pick)]

Thursday, February 14, 2008

word counts

Before yesterday I don't think I understand the power of the word.


Australia is such a better place for it.

We have so much to do, to make the actions that need to accompany the word, to happen and to work.

After listening to the radio much of yesterday, at my desk, driving to meetings, eyes moist, I start to believe that it can happen and can work... though my head urges caution still.

During the election campaign, our previous PM warned us that when we change the government, we change the country.

Well we did and we have,

Thank whatever higher power you wish!*

I rarely think good of pollies, especially from the major parties, but I'm thinking good of our new PM... it's freakin' me out a bit, to be honest, but it makes a nice change.

*I'm thanking: Flying Spaghetti Monster

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Let's go naked

Two further reasons to be naked:

  1. Since the fall of Sparta, a long time ago, all major wars, not involving pygmies, have been started by clothed people.

  2. If you partake in any of the major monotheist religions; please consider that Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden were close to God and naked too. Therefore if you embrace nudity, you should find yourself closer to your God.

I rest my case.

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