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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pope Boarking!

I've always wanted to start my own religion for the same reason as most people: to amass power & wealth. I've just been waiting for a decent theology to come together and here goes...

A passing thought that Pauli the Oracle Octopus has what could be described as noodly appendages was, I quickly realised, a direct revelation from the Flying Spaghetti Monster who has spoken through me, Ernst U. Boarking, to announce to all that Pauli is his son, sent to earth to miraculously take cash off bookies the world over.

The Father (chatting to Boarking whilst the latter nude sun bathes)

Footy precognition is Pauli's proof of divinity and broadcast to the world, should get my new Paulianity off to a flyer. Just so long as his tip for the final, Spain, gets up tonight. If they don't, the whole things probably a non-starter.

The Son (tipping Spain again)

Anyhow, with Pauli being an acquatic type, it has been decreed that the priests shall wear speedos and the nuns, no strike that, we'll make them priestesses -- this won't be a misogynist type religion, the priestesses will wear bikinis. I'm recruiting now...