"Click here to make another bad choice in the world of blokes.
The infamous, and frankly a bit nutty, blogger that is Boarking, is now available for the Delight of discerning* young** ladies of a cute, quirky, silly and perhaps slightly hopeless nature.
Their friends think them a bit odd, but love them dearly.
* By "discerning" we mean a lady still prepared to not compromise on the following:
A partner must... be male, not gay (not that there's anything wrong with that), have pulse.
** By "young" we mean that her mother's friends define the lady as "young""
Why it could work:
- We are not aiming to be the prospects first choice. They have to buy more "stamps" or whatever than they need. We aim for the humorous, silly profile, that looks good for the last throwaway stamp they have left after contacting their good prospects.
- Apart from the "infamous" bit, it's all true.
- We attach a sweet, natural photo (taken by the ex-!)
- If the contact doesn't want to spend any money, they can google, and contact the boy publicly for free via the blog comments.
- It's internet dating.
- I am hopeless.