Blog sans reader

Hello and welcome to Ernst U. Boarking's blog about stuff & stuff-all.
Warning: Some material in the blog may not be suitable.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Boring Boarking, a librarian...

This blog commences as part of a Web 2.0 course for librarians. If you've stumbled on it by accident you may wish to nick off quick smart, it could be contagious.

I was going to call it BoringLibrarian, but what if the blog outlives my career as a librarian? Boring was bound to have been taken, but fortunately mutated into BoarKing. I'm not a king or a boar, but blogger "Thisdonkey" is not actually a donkey, hard to believe, though he looks a bit like one and can be as stubborn.

I need to find a picture of a king for my profile, then photoshop in a couple of tusks. It'll be so funny, probably.

I seem to remember that some cannibals in days gone by would refer to other humans (the ones in the pot) as "Long pig", so perhaps we are all a bit boar-ish at the taste test level... I wonder if my flesh would make good crackling if I rubbed it with vege oil and salt before roasting? I'll try it next time I'm roasting one of my limbs and I'll let you know.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the learning 2.0 program. For me to track you and for you to be eligible for prizes (more importantly!) I need to know who you are, but no one else will know. If you can email with a name I can register your blog.
