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Hello and welcome to Ernst U. Boarking's blog about stuff & stuff-all.
Warning: Some material in the blog may not be suitable.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Seven & a half habits of a boar

2.0 learning starts with your 7&1/2 habits of lifelong learners most of which were a bit too obvious to remember, but go here if you need more info than your likely to get from me. The podcasts are in American, I'm afraid, much as I love our big cousins, it is a bit... oh, you know.

I do remember something about helping others so I've been prodding along a couple of my "special" friends here at the library in the Art of Blogging. Best trotter forward, and all that. I'll collect a deserved slap or two for that "special" comment, but only if the "specials" figure out how to read this, I might be safe.

And the half bit was about having fun, so I'll have a go, though Misery I find suits me better.

I think no. 1 was setting a goal for this, such as doing a podcast. This might be a go. I think maybe an archive of some of the brilliant jokes lodged in obscure folds of my grey matter, that this modern fast-paced world and the Young People of Today are in danger of losing forever. Where would the world be without:

"My dog has no nose"
"How does it smell?"

"My wife's going to the West Indies"
"No she wants to go"

I've got more, but "How far to the railway station?" and "They still don't fit" really have to wait for the podcast.

In the meantime, 7 or so habits of an ineffective boar:
Rage against inanimate objects
Rage against governments
Disorganisation / messiness
Solace through beer
Enlightenment through single malt scotch.
Is that seven? Are these habits or merely states of mind?

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