Blog sans reader

Hello and welcome to Ernst U. Boarking's blog about stuff & stuff-all.
Warning: Some material in the blog may not be suitable.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Funtimes at the End of the world

Someone told me about a book that lists things to do before you die which includes:
Be an extra in a movie

I had a jolly, though long and tiring, time crossing it off my list yesterday. The bonus was that instead of do nothing type extra activity we got to riot and panic with gay abandon. Glad I wore sensible footwear, the famous Boarking Boots, girls in silly shoes suffered. Still, sore as buggery every else from "pretend" bumps and bashes.

Here's a couple of pics:
This is from today's Sunday Age, p.5, or their website.

Can't make out Ernst U.B.? It's not easy I admit, look for the maroon cap near bottom left. I'm mostly obscured by the tall, dark young lovely in very short skirt and endless legs (she forgot to ask for my number though). Following the arrow in the enlargement helps you appreciate the Boarking brush with slight fame .

Pampering to "kill'em all" fantasies with a Humvee mounted machine gun:

Whipped the phone out after the last "Cut!" of the last scene for this shot.

The film's called The Knowing, starring Nicolas Cage, who I almost accidentally bumped into at one point. I'll be going through the DVD frame by frame!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Lucky rd. 13 (and use of semi-colons)

I keep having good ideas for writing decent blog posts but never manage to finish them lately; so it's back to the footy where even I'm losing interest after a disatrous last round of 4 miserable ticks. Now, suddenly six off the pace at work, I find myself looking for the upset each round to play myself back into contention. This week is easy, the upset is my nice bombers.

(Did you notice that semi-colon in the first sentence? Neat, huh? I got complimented this week for my use of a semi-colon in an email; it's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, but now I'm a bit scared to use them in case I muck it up. No point in being timid, I guess)

FREO are back, especially against the SAINTS
LIONS over CROWS, but bit worried
DONS to do to BLUES what Blues did to Pies.

Friday, June 13, 2008

ate a dozen

The Boarking readership is plummeting but I'm determined to persevere, especially tonight, where I'm tipping my Dons for the 1st time since rd.3.

In other news, for this juicy round: North over Freo, Doggies over Lions, Crows over Hawks, Swans over Saints, Cats over Port, Pies over Blues, and for their 2nd win of the season; Dees over Tigers who are giving indications of losing the plot.

It's good to have a round, where there are a few games to think about, rather than going with all the faves.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Footy 11

Was looking okayish for 8 at 3/4 time on Sunday evening last week, but bloody, bloody Freo, what a shower of's...

Hard to tip against the faves this week, to wit: NORTH, CROWS, HAWKS, SWANS, LIONS, DOGS, PORT, PIES.

If I was tempted to go for an upset, it'd be the SAINTS, a possibility, especially with the outrageous suspension of in-form doggie Murphy.

Also, I've this vaguely good vibe about my Dons (up against the Hawks), it's probably just heart ruling head.