Someone told me about a book that lists things to do before you die which includes:
Be an extra in a movie
I had a jolly, though long and tiring, time crossing it off my list yesterday. The bonus was that instead of do nothing type extra activity we got to riot and panic with gay abandon. Glad I wore sensible footwear, the famous Boarking Boots, girls in silly shoes suffered. Still, sore as buggery every else from "pretend" bumps and bashes.
Here's a couple of pics:This is from today's Sunday Age, p.5, or their website.
Can't make out Ernst U.B.? It's not easy I admit, look for the maroon cap near bottom left. I'm mostly obscured by the tall, dark young lovely in very short skirt and endless legs (she forgot to ask for my number though). Following the arrow in the enlargement helps you appreciate the Boarking brush with slight fame .
Pampering to "kill'em all" fantasies with a Humvee mounted machine gun:Whipped the phone out after the last "Cut!" of the last scene for this shot.
The film's called The Knowing, starring Nicolas Cage, who I almost accidentally bumped into at one point. I'll be going through the DVD frame by frame!
the apparent glee with which you wield that machine gun is mildly concerning, ernst.