The regular reader (a hypothetical beast, probably existing only in my imagination) would probably be leaning towards the opinion that I’m a raving ratbag greenie leftie. However your typical Ernst U. Boarking is a complex beast, so it’s likely time we throw in a post from right field:
You are a hypocrite!
Okay, you might not be a hypocrite, but if you are a typical Aussie getting your knickers in a twist over Japanese whaling whilst chomping through your body weight in various bits of animal carcass every few months, you might at least consider the possibility.
Environmentalist and Aussie of the Year '07, Dr. Tim Flannery, has said that Minke’s are about as brainy as sheep and multiplying like rabbits. So, is a lamb eater on any moral higher ground than the Moby burger muncher?
The vegan pirates of Sea Shepherd can have the high ground, and good luck to them. The rest of us, it seems to me, have only one very shaky argument against a sustainable hunt;
That methods of hunting whales are so particularly cruel as to put them beyond the pail. The dodgy assumption then being that the methods of raising and harvesting our meat, eggs & dairy are all within the pail… Pigs & chooks in concentration camps, production line abattoirs, stinking transports between the two.
What's the difference in the end?
We're not interested in eating whalemeat and abattoirs don't get shown on tele...
Technorati Tags ethics,whaling,hypocracy
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