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Hello and welcome to Ernst U. Boarking's blog about stuff & stuff-all.
Warning: Some material in the blog may not be suitable.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Lunacy & footy tipping

I better take a break from politics or I'll blow a gasket.
Back to footy, it is, where the Boarkinger is throwing out the rule book. There's no point in finishing the tipping in 20th place, therefore it's time to fly high or crash and burn in the process. We're going on gut feeling and half-hunches, we're tipping away teams and avoiding favourites.
We're tipping: pies, doggies (over cats at the cattery!), bombers, lions, hawks, carlton, port & freo.
We Trust that God is With Us.


  1. God would tip the Saints!

    Nidacam (aka Kathy)

  2. On reflection, I think you are right.

    He's definitely forsaken poor Boarking this round.

  3. this comment is not related to your post, but your mini-profile annoys me every time i see it. surely it should read: a human being and a librarian... THEY'RE not mutually exclusive.

  4. Oh Misch, I am not worthy! It will be corrected, forthwith.

    In other news, I find I somehow only got 2 on my tips instead of the big 3 I was expecting. Yet again I'm distracted.
