Blog sans reader

Hello and welcome to Ernst U. Boarking's blog about stuff & stuff-all.
Warning: Some material in the blog may not be suitable.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Split round tipping nightmare

Is there anything worse in the whole wide world?
You tip Collingwood when they are underdog
You note it in your diary
You blog about the reasons why they'll win
Therefore you spend Saturday night barracking for the bloody Pies
And they win...
But come Monday you find that through some mis-click of the mouse ten days back, you had somehow got Sydney in the all important big money, high prestige work tipping comp.
You could have been back in the leadership group.
You find yourself languishing.
You are devastated.
This is how empires fall.
Serves you right for allowing yourself to get distracted (see previous post).


  1. that is simply terrible news. shocking. have you considered counselling?

    i note you haven't tagged/labelled this post. might i suggest "bugger!"?

  2. As the tags would just be the same as for all the other tipping posts, I doubt it matters much if I forget now & then. at most, it would just be a very mild "Oh, dash it!"

    I do need counselling, and quite probably Mischa as my counsellor.
